united states


Question by  Vernon (21)

What are the rules about when you can mail your federal tax return?


Answer by  NobodysHome (385)

Starting on January 15 you can file your tax return, but you need to have all of your W-2 forms and other records of last year's income in order to file the taxes in good faith, so you may have to wait until later in the year if your taxes are not yet complete.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

If you owe taxes, you must mail it by midnight April 15th or you will owe a penalty. If you do not owe taxes, you can mail it any time without penalty. The government will not refund overpayments if your return is more than three years late.


Answer by  blahblah (670)

Your federal tax return is due on April 15 (for most people). Your return must be postmarked on or before April 15. Some post offices are open late that day.


Answer by  pmm62 (243)

Federal tax returns must be postmarked by April 15, 2010. Major cities generally have one post office that will accept tax returns for mailing until midnight on April 15.


Answer by  sonyacarlson (695)

You can mail your federal tax return any time before April 15th of the year after the tax year in question. You must have the return postmarked April 15th or earlier. If it is later than that, you may face fines for a late return. For the tax year 2009, the deadline is April 15th, 2010.


Answer by  jclick (1561)

Your tax return must be postmarked by April 15. Some post offices stay open until midnight on April 15 to accommodate people who wait until the last minute to file. If you plan to do this, give yourself time and research which post office in your area will be staying open late.


Answer by  bitchstewie (489)

I believe that the rule for mailing a federal tax return is that the envelope containing the return must be post marked April 15th or earlier.


Answer by  sara99 (851)

You can mail it and have it postmarked anytime but to legally meet the IRS rules it must be on or before April 15 of the current year.

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