

Question by  Tammy (585)

What are the risks if you don't report a claim to your insurance company about a fender bender?


Answer by  Keith (130)

If the accident was your fault, the claim will be reported by the other party and you will be in trouble, possibly risking loosing your insurance.


Answer by  koda (40)

Your insurance could go up on you or they could cancel depending on whose fault it was. You probably should decide what your deductible is and whether damage is more.


Answer by  Paul99 (47)

If you are involved in an accident with another, and you don't report it and then the other person sues you, your insurance company could deny coverage.


Answer by  pedro (142)

It's okay not to report accidents to your insurance company as long as you don't expect payment from them. Just make sure you file a police accident report.


Answer by  Sharyl (340)

There are no risks at least in Indiana, in fact if the wreck is cheap to fix you would be better off to pay it.

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