home improvement


Question by  robadams (15)

What are the advantages of smart key locks?


Answer by  Rina (35)

For those of us who lose keys easily, these keys unlock the door of your car with just a touch. They are more attractive than other keys. They are easier to use. They are easily made. They are completely unique, so you don't need to fear break-ins. The process to make these is easy.


Answer by  Sakamoto (8)

No need an expensive locksmith to re-key, no appointment, it's DIY. The rekey tool comes with the lock. It's an easy fast process anyone can do.


Answer by  Richard88 (391)

There are at least two kinds of smart keys. One (used on Mercedes Benz cars) is a plastic key where the code is imbedded as digital information, rather than physical bumps of metal. The other type (by Kwikset) is a metal key with a sidebar, which resists being "bumped". The advantage is additional security against picking of the lock.


Answer by  mohan (96)

The smart key is a advance technology in security. It is easy carriable. It is easy to operate. It mostly help by saving the time. Duplicate smart keys can't be made. It is high security level so no one have a malfunction with it. the cost is also too low compared to other security level


Answer by  Bones (105)

For women like me, whose keys always fall to the bottom of their purses, smart key locks are a god-send. Using a smart key allows entry into vehicles by transmitting a signal from the key to the door handle when it is touched. The key does not need to be held while doing this.


Answer by  espraba (119)

1. Easy to access. 2. Lock mechanisms work smoothly compared to other locks. 3. Big advantage is if you have a pair of unused keys and you want to give to somebody for short time you can re-key the lock and change later. 4. Bright brass finish looks attractive.

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