

Question by  ExWildChild (19)

What are my options for adding extra memory to my iphone?


Answer by  Limbfilter (20)

Unfortunatly, there is no readily available way to add memory to an iPhone. However, there are applications in the app store that are designed to free the available memory.


Answer by  Dezzy (15)

My options for adding extra memory for my iPhone are to upgrade my iPhone with AT&T to another model such as the iPhone 3GS.


Answer by  fred91 (42)

There is no way to add more memory to your iphone. There are no slots of any kind. best option is to upgrade to the 32gb.


Answer by  marshallthornton (16)

I didn't think you could add memory to an iphone. I goggled it and got conflicting results. From possible but difficult to impossible. I lean toward impossible.


Answer by  Anonymous

JAILBREAK YOUR IPHONE lol its the best thing to do

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