

Question by  Gunrunner (561)

Is being tired after exercise a sign of diabetes?


Answer by  chen2 (508)

You would have to be constantly be feeling fatigue and thirsty, and in the more advance stages, your breathe would smell like a sweet kind of alcohol. Being tired after exercising for a long period is normal, but I would suggest going to the doctor if you're concern.


Answer by  AnkurMohta (114)

It may not be due to diabetes alone. People with heart ailment, not getting the right nutrients, incorrect amount of fluids causing dehydration etc are also prone to it.


Answer by  baba24 (270)

No not necessarily it could be because of many things like not getting the right nutrients in your body or having the correct amount of fluids casusing dehydration. A lot of times it just takes a while to get used to the training or signs of a good workout.


Answer by  bash (1026)

It may be due to a sign of diabetes combined with some other disease. It may not be due to a sign of diabetes alone. People those who have heart ailment, feel tired after exercise or after doing little hard work. Most oftenly they feel breathlessness after a few minutes exercise or while lifting some heavy things.

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