

Question by  brittany34 (26)

How should I pick a home hair dye?


Answer by  CrystalEg (500)

Pick a brand that is well known as some unknown or off brands can ruin your hair. Next choose a color you are comfortable with.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Pick a colour that compliment your skintone, is somewhat close to your natural colour (go lighter so roots show less), is easy to use and ammonia-free if possible.


Answer by  Blossom9283 (358)

Ease of use and color are two main components of choosing an at home hair dye. However, these at home kits don't always come out the color expected.


Answer by  Caryn85 (418)

You should pick first in the color you want and then look at the box and compare what they think your hair color will look like.


Answer by  mrsb (76)

I would first choose between temporary or permanent. Next, choose a color you like and then I'd make the final decision based on sale price and try it out.


Answer by  ewam (403)

It all depends on what hair type you have. Especially if you're trying to get rid of grey hair. Find one to suit you.


Answer by  mellisat (17)

But first off all please concern with hail specialist.

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