

Question by  Jjl (32)

How can I teach myself to swallow pills?


Answer by  ellerbellerz (141)

Put the pill whole in applesauce or pudding and swallow the spoonful. Once you are used to this, use a smaller amount of applesauce until you can switch to water.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Have a large glass of a drink you enjoy right beside you. Open your mouth wide and put the pill as back on your tongue as you can. Quickly swallow.


Answer by  sonorasun (174)

Teach yourself to swallow pills by relaxing. Put the pills on your tongue and drink a large amount of water. The pills will go down when you swallow.


Answer by  gummie (738)

I am a person who has trouble swallowing pills. Get over your fear. Force yourself to swallow the pill with a mouthful of water. Break it in half if necessary.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

I have to put it on the very back of my tounge, and take a large drink of water, and act like I'm swallowing a big bit of food.

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