

Question by  bibiuser (85)

Do I need to take my child to the pediatric doctor for painful urination?


Answer by  Serafinah (232)

Painful urination is almost always something you want to go to the pediatrician for. It can be localized discomfort of the external genetalia or can be further inside the urinary tract.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

Yes your child needs to go to their doctor. They might have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), or something more potentially serious. However, it needs to be looked at regardless.


Answer by  Missmelissa (69)

Most definitely. Anyone should go to a physician for painful urination. This is often a sign of a bladder infection or urinary tract infection. This is common in children and infants, however, if not treated in early stages can be hard to eliminate.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Yes, anytime a child complains with painful urination you should seek the advise of his or her pediatric doctor. There are many things that could be causing the pain and it should be checked out.

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